Winter School/colloque 13-17 janvier 2025 à Autrans : la soumission des résumés et les inscriptions sont ouvertes!

The GFB presents a new format for its next scientific event happening from January 13th to 17th , 2025 in Autrans (l’Escandille). Its traditional and well-known Meeting will be combined with a Winter School on January 13th to 15th  (Flyer). This school is intended for students, technicians and researchers who wish to acquire the key fundamental concepts required for a successful research activity in the field of bioelectrochemistry.

Located in the village of Autrans-Méaudre in Vercors, at an altitude of 1050 m, the Escandille holiday village is the ideal setting for scientific discussions and networkink.

Free shuttles will be organized between Grenoble SNCF station and the village of Autrans.


Dead-line for abstracts submission: 30th September 2024. Click here for the abstract submission form.

Dead-line for registration : 30 October 2024. Registration form is yet available (English version or French version)



Internationally renowned speakers will carry out theoretical lectures which will be interspersed with sessions dedicated to a collaborative tutored project. The event location will be suitable to the organization of social and fun activities to encourage exchanges between participants and strengthen both their network and the GFB community.

Start date : January 13th 2:00 pm

End date : January 15th 2:00 pm



For this first edition, the program contains intensive and high-level training on the following themes:

Theme 1: Simulation and modelling in electrochemistry

General introduction and focus on cyclic voltammetry: a tool for mechanism analysis in molecular electrochemistry; Pr. Cyrille Costantin (Département de Chimie Moléculaire, Univ. Grenoble Alpes)

Electrochemistry as a tool for mechanistic analysis of enzyme reactivity and biomolecular interactions, Dr. François Mavré (ITODYS, Univ. Paris Cité)

Theme 2: coupling electrochemistry to optical methods: a time-resolved multiscale analysis tool

Biological applications of electrochemiluminescence, Pr. Neso Sojic (Institut des Sciences Moléculaires, Univ. Bordeaux)

Fluorescence and electrochemistry in bioanalysis Pr. Manon Guille-Collignon (ENS-PSL, Sorbonne Université)

Theme 3: Electrodes bio-functionalization

Surface functionalization for supported molecular electrocatalysis, Dr. Bertrand Reuillard (SolHyCat, CEA Grenoble)

Immobilization of enzymes for biotechnologies such as sensors and biofuell cells, Dr. Anne de Poulpiquet (Bioenergetics and Protein Engineering, Univ. Aix-Marseille)

Topics of the tutored project: Collaborative research project battle



Start date : January 15th 2:00 pm

End date : January 17th 2:00 pm

The XVIIIth GFB conference will be held in English. Communications will be given as oral presentations (keynotes: 45 min, others: 25 min, including 5 min discussion) or as a poster + a Flash communication. Internationally-renown speakers will give keynote conferences on various fields of bioelectrochemistry (program in construction).

The main themes addressed by the GFB congress are as follows:

  • (Photo)electrochemistry of proteins and biomimicry
  • Modified electrodes and biosensors
  • Biochips and integrated systems development
  • In situ and in operando bioelectrochemistry
  • Bioelectrosynthesis
  • Electrochemistry of cells and tissues
  • Biofilms and bio-corrosion


Christine Cavazza (CEA/Univ. Grenoble, Alpes)
Matteo Grattieri (Univ. Di Bari, Italie)
Estelle Lebègue ( Univ. Nantes)
Ross D. Milton (Univ. Genève)

A special issue in Bioelectrochemistry journal will be published at this occasion.